Rainbow's Musings of the Previous Day (Loudtwitter!)

Jul 14, 2010 00:00

  • 09:17 Unemployment on hold pending senate insanity. Not sure what will happen next, but not good. #
  • 09:39 aylira-tesayon.livejournal.com/72087.html - More info on what's going on #
  • 09:49 @ thedoh: myself and moonlits have been unable due to pending legal issues (soon over luckily) and others have not met any success #
  • 10:34 to those who would say I deserve no aid, please at least read my lj post, there is more to this, and it affects more than just me #
  • 10:38 @ lycangrrl: With the sort of reply I've gotten so far (see facebook), I don't know what to do, nothing ever seems enough for some #
  • 13:19 I have been thinking...in all the time I've been unemployed, I've put in well over 100 resumes/applications/etc., certainly not none. #
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