December 14th!

Dec 14, 2010 03:46

Had to post it....


As my mom likes to (jokingly) say, 24 years ago I was a pain that she had to bring into this world. Of course I feel better with the knowledge that my sister was a bigger pain to her. She was in labor with my sister for 16 hours and no drugs. I took 4 hours and she got drugs toward the end. So yeah, I think that made it obvious who the good child is... Just kidding. I love my sister. (Most of the time). But that's not the point, the point is this:

TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DECEMBER 14TH!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yay!

I am now 24 years old.

Still young enough that announcing my age doesn't bother me. Hell, I still get carded for freaking everything. Including a freaking unrated movie. That pissed me the hell off. Drinking I understand, Smoking I can kinda get, but an unrated movie? I just want to kick your ass. I look younger than what I am, I get that and it's a good thing. But I can't look 16 or 17, please no, I can't. (I probably wouldn't have been so irritated if that hadn't been the one freaking time I left my id in the car and wasn't going to go get it and come back and buy it. Not while wearing the heels I was wearing and with the time constraints. Then it wouldn't have been a big deal, but the lady demanded my ID and wouldn't sell the movie to me, said she HAD to see it because she didn't think I was 17.)

Sorry, my b-day isn't usually a big deal to me, but I feel like I should be excited about it instead of trying to just downplay it like I usually do. It's a birthday, it's meant to be celebrated. :P

So, that's it. yep. :P

me, birthday

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