(no subject)

Nov 24, 2009 19:28

So I wasn't really going to say anything here about Adam Lambert's performance on the AMAs the other night because anyone who I would have wanted to talk about it to, I've already done it, but this whole GMA bs has me wanting to say something. So this is about Adam and double standards.

Maybe it's just me, but I really don't see what the big deal was. Is it just because it was on ABC? If he had done this same performance on MTV would there be such an uproar? If he did the same performance on tour, would it be so talked about? I doubt it. I saw pix from one of Lady GaGa's performances last year and she had a backup dancer's head in her crotch, but no one talked about it endlessly. Madonna can kiss Britney and Christina and nothing happens. But it's such a controversy and so offensive when Adam does it. I for one wasn't really shocked at all by anything he did. I assumed he was going to do something sexual. Anyone who knows who he is/is a fan should know that he likes to shock and entertain. And yeah, ok he didn't do exactly what he did on the show in the rehersals, but GMAs response, saying they don't feel a repeat performance would be appropriate for the show is bs. I highly doubt he was going to do the same thing on GMA. ABC is just trying to cover their asses now. I can't wait to see him tomorrow on The Early Show. I wanna see what he's got to say about this.

I agree with him when he says there's a double standard when it comes to female vs male performers. Female performers can dance around on stage in next to nothing and be as sexual as they want, but it's a huge deal when a guy does something like that. Not to mention Adam was the most dressed out of most of the performers.

The double standard thing has been bothering me for a little while actually before this. I really started to notice it when Miley Cyrus started her current tour. How come she gets all this shit for performing in short shorts at almost 17, but Taylor Lautner, who is also 17 can run around in New Moon in mostly just a pair of shorts and no one mentions the fact that he's 17? They're the same age, Taylor is showing more skin than Miley, but Miley is the one who gets the shit.

Miley isn't doing anything that Britney or Christina didn't do at her age. Hell, at 17 Britney had already posed in her underwear on Rolling Stone. So I don't see why she gets so much flack. Nor, do I see why Adam is getting so much flack. If it has to do with the kids who were watching the AMAs, kids shouldn't be up at almost eleven on a Sunday night anyway. My brothers are 15, almost 16 and they were in bed at nine that night. So really that's the parents' fault for letting their kids stay up at late.

And on another note, both Kris and Adam's albums are amazing!!

adam lambert, music, random stuff

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