So everyone should totally join
st_judesrp!!! Why? Because Grace and I are reviving it and it's totally awesome!!
So me, Jess, Vanessa and Kevin might go to Disney World next year. Vanessa has never been there, or on a plane, and thinks she might be able to save up the money. I really hope it happens cause I wanna go so badly!!! I'd love to be able to get a bigger group together to go. Like some of you guys who are my friends. ^_^ Like Grace, Lindsay, Erin, etc. I think that'd be awesome!!! *crosses fingers*
I bought the second season of Supernatural finally this weekend. It was half off so \o/ I also got the new TAI cd, which I haven't actually listened to yet. And I've also got Heroes season 2 coming in the mail this week.
I'm gonna start selling old comics on ebay again. I was just going through them and I'm hoping it'll take off so I can get some extra money to put aside for Disney.
I'm about half way through Breaking Dawn. I should be done before the end of the week at the rate I'm going.