Feb 19, 2005 21:23
Hey Everyone,
Well it's been awhile...as always...I like never update this thing. Hm...well my life is basically the same...Valentines day wasnt too great but it wasnt awful either...I guess it was just the fact that all your close friends have someone to share it with and you dont and it just kinda puts you down in the dumps...but hey its all good its over and done with now! I didnt get to go to school on Wednesday or Thursday because I have the flu virus which sucks butt...but i am doing somewhat better now thank goodness! I'm just so glad we have a 4 day weekend. Ok..I have something that I am really p-oed about and i am going to let it out...here goes nothing...Ok..so...you have friends and they have boyfriends and you know they talk about them constantly and blah blah....and they go places with them by themselves blah blah...and sometimes you get in conversations with them about what and all they have done.....and they are like well pretty much nothing and then come to find out they told someone else the complete opposite that they had even went all the way and so when u ask them about it they get all ticked off and are like OMG i would never and if i had i would so tell you before anyone else...but these other people are like she did i promise you she promised me not to tell...I mean ok...what is wrong with people....If you are going to do something or have done something why LIE about it? I mean we are gonna find out anyways. and another thing why LIE about anything...not just stuff like that but anything...I mean ok...yeah i have lied but i try not to and i mean if someone asked me something i am going to tell them the truth I aint going to lie about it and then go and run my mouth to someone else telling them a whole nother story. I mean come on! ok yeah sorry it just kinda ticks me off that like everyone does that. Anyways, I was reading livejournals today and I came across an entry that was in Sarah Woods livejournal and by the way it was an AWESOME entry sarah! It was talking about God, and How we always think about ourselves rather than others in the world. And well here are my thoughts on that, We seriously need to wake up and start putting God first in our lifes, and knowing him, because where would we be without him and why would you want to go to hell when you can go to heaven and be in paradise with God someone who loves you more than anyone on this earth!*Think about it* We also need to treat other people like we would want to be treated instead of making fun of them, judging them when we dont even really know them ourselves, and for goodness sakes quit worrying about yourself for once and worry about the world. Oh yes....Sarah Owenby I loved hanging out with you at the movies last night you are great and I have missed us being as close as we used to, but hey maybe we can start hanging out more often. Oh yes and one more thing before I go...I am rather aggravated with someone right now...who well has a boyfriend but umm...well flirts with every guy out there including the guys her friends like what the heck is up with that? Oh well i guess she just doesnt care! Anyways I am gonna go, I'll try to update tomorrow but i'm not promising anything! Leave Comments if you'd like!
Mucho Love,