Wups. Forgot to post anything on my actual birthday.
I'm a day into 26 and don't feel a bit different than I did before I was one step closer to being in my "late 20s" as opposed to my "mid 20s."
Birthday was nice, albeit a bit different than usual. Patrick is 8000 miles away from me, y'see. He's in Egypt for yet another business trip. His third one since late October of last year, actually. He was last over there just before Xmas, so the fact that he's back over there again on my birthday is frustrating to both of us. But he needed to go over there and meet the new people they hired for the office there, so watchagonnado?
Last night a thought occurred to me, that I think I'm pretty much solidly in that "all grown up" category. I didn't get much for my birthday, my parents sent me a $50 gift card to Target, which I'll probably use to buy myself some new jeans and whatnot, Patrick got me roses and candy and dinner out at Old Spaghetti Factory two days before my birthday since he left for Cairo the day before my birthday. Ariel came down and spent the evening with me, and took me out to dinner at Gustav's, where I learned that both Schnitzle and Fondue are very tasty. I got lots of birthday wishes via text message and Facebook posts from friends, including some people who I've not heard from in MONTHS. Which was awesome and made me feel loved.
My favorite birthday gifts that I got, are the ones where I got to spend time with my loved ones.
I'm still not pregnant. About to start cycle 13 since we started trying/I started tracking my cycles. I can't take Clomid because when I do, I get freaky vision trails in the morning, which is really disorienting. I've described them to people as being similar to the special effects used in The Chronicles of Riddick for how the Lord of the Necromongers moved around. Only instead of it just being one person, it's the whole world, and everything that moves. Kinda cool, but kinda awful at the same time because god only knows what is happening to my body/brain/eyes to be causing this freaky issue.
So now my FNP midwife Venay is having me try something that she's used with a few other women, I'm on Loestrin24 for a month and a half, then I'll go in for a Hysterosalpingogram, which quite frankly scares the ever loving BEJEEZUS out of me, it was uncomfortable enough getting a pelvic ULTRASOUND, let alone something where they have to go into my uterus and put dye in it and Xray me. I'm scared that it's gonna hurt really bad because my cervix seems pretty nerve-ending-packed, and I've never had a non-painful PAP. I'd imagine this is going to be worse. I'll probably make Patrick take me to that appointment, just in case they end up having to give me a sedative or pain meds of some sort. The day I get the hysterosalpingogram I'll also start on a course of Doxycycline, and stop taking the Loestrin. I cannot wait for THAT day, because quite frankly I've gotten spoiled not being on birth control. My boobs have hurt for over two weeks straight.
My Sister-in-Law Martha's daughter just turned 1-year-old on the11th. Martha invited us to Gracie's birthday party, but luckily Patrick didn't feel up to going. I don't know if I would have been able to cope with seeing Gracie, who was one of the major influences for our decision to start a family, turning one while my arms are still empty.