Jul 05, 2004 01:04
Today really kicked ass. Started off by working on most of the cmu calculus placement exam. Got most of that done. Then, i went to church, which was pretty cool. Then, the fun began. Pam randomly showed up at my house. She must've been really bored to see me. Tom showed up and we went to Emily Shiflet's house for some food. It was really random and she definately wasn't expecting me to come. I'm surprised she even remembered my name. oh well. food was great, then i got to see haile's monkey again. we went back to weems' place to launch our fireworks. on the way there, we saw all these little dinky ones that don't even go up in the air. we probably launched about 10 mortars and alot of bottle rockets. It was awesome! Until tom shot a bottle rocket at me. That was fucking crazy, tom! it whizzed right over my head. Then we got to see weems and berkel fire roman candles at each other. I think berkel got hit once. So stupid and hilarious. After things died down, tom shared his swampy stories and haile shared his gay porn experience. Paul also talked about his onion train story for the 8th time, but it was still funny. We decided to head back to tom's house for some good sitting-by-the-fire time. And now i'm back home. This summer vacation kicks soo much ass! I'm gonna miss it in college. There's still so much to do!