Flat tires are teh suck.

Oct 07, 2005 18:15

So it appears that lizabeth's stalker is getting braver. He's went from calling the house numorous times to going to her work and slicing the tires on MY truck. How nice is it to get that kind of call, someone telling me that she's there crying and my tires are flat. Needless to say, cops did jack except tell me to fill out a warrent. I went to where the guy was staying to talk things over but it appears he did it on his way out of town. He'll be back though in a few weeks. Several people here want to catch him, take him off and beat him, and then leave him. Psycho 40+ year old men in love with 25 year old girls is creepy.

So yea, I have a headache and am slightly lower in the pocket.
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