
Jun 29, 2010 22:16

So, I am wondering what methods one can use to overcome a serious fear of insects. I don’t know when this started, when I was a child I would dig my hands in the dirt and pull up all kinds of crazy looking treasures with an enthusiasm that I can’t even fathom today. Even simple things, like lady bugs, crickets and rolley pollies give me the heeby jeebies now-a-days.

As far back as I can remember I’ve had arachnophobia, and that is not something I ever expect to overcome. But why should it be the case that I’ve somehow developed a fear of anything with multiple legs, antennae and a crunchy outer shell? Tonight, when S. and I got home we found a beetle on our front porch, and both she and I screamed and ran inside to get away from harm. The little guy wasn’t even flying, or moving for that matter, he could have been dead for all we knew, but we were friggin scarred.

Here’s a picture:

He’s about two inches long, not counting the antennae, and from the research I’d done, he’s called a Palo Verde Root Border Beetle.

My first instinct was to kill it, seriously, to grab a brick and toss it at it, stamping out it's little life. I don’t know yet if I am committed to overcoming this phobia. But for the time being, I’ve given the little fella a stay of execution.
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