Title: On the Importance of Taking Notes
Author: Ayiana
Rating: G
Wordcount: About 2k
Spoilers: Through 8.02, The Partners in the Divorce
Genre: Episode tag
Author's Note: Episode 8.02 made much of Booth's anger and his issues surrounding Brennan's decision to leave while mostly ignoring how difficult it must've been for Brennan. This fic
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I think he might've known, though I'm not certain on that score. What I am certain of is that Booth of old wouldn't have gotten so wrapped up in his own problems that he couldn't see hers.
the "old" Brennan would have known how to reach him without needing Sweets as a translator.
I hate Sweets. I don't imagine that's much of a secret. But at least in the last episode or two he's been acting marginally more like a professional. I still don't like him, but at least I haven't been screaming at my TV every time he makes an appearance.
The B&B we're getting isn't at all the B&B I thought we'd be getting when they finally became a couple. S6 to one side, they're less of a couple (to me, at least), than they ever were in the early seasons. It's very strange, and the failure to rise to potential makes me sad.
I'm of mixed feelings on the alcohol thing. On one hand, I'd like to see it addressed, and I feel that it needs to be. On the other hand, I've no confidence that TPTB could handle the subject with a deft touch, so maybe it's best if they stay away.
Thank for sharing your thoughts. I'm glad you liked the story even if it did make you sad.
Same here - I keep looking for that old, deep connection between them, but to me it seems to have gotten lost somewhere along the way.
I don't think they even see the alcohol issue as something that needs to be addressed, but that scene with Booth sitting in the dark with that bottle definitely stood out to me - and again, I'm pretty sure that there was a time when Brennan would have noticed.
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