Mar 07, 2005 22:43
im really tired so im just gonna summarize this weekend and today and
then go to bed cuz im half asleep but i figured since i dont update as
often anymore,and since i didnt update about last weekend that maybe i
should this time lol.
so.....this weekend waz aight, friday i went to marybeths for pretty
much tha whole night after school,and then came home and got sick lol
fun stuff.thatz about it for friday.
saturday andy came over and i beat his azz in NCAA college hoopz
for x-box. which im tallyin his losin streak on my calendar,since we
play that damn game a lil errry day since thatz tha kool shit to do far itz ME 5, ANDY 3, lol. but enough of that borin shizzle.
after we sat around and played video gamez for like 10 hourz straight
we decided to go to cicis to eat, and on tha way there almost hit a
deer in tha process haha. but anywayz damn there are some nice lookin
girlz workin at ciciz now! i couldnt believe what i waz seein lol. i
aint been thurr in awhile but when i usually go, last time i remember
they were all old ladiez lol, but o well. after cicis we went to
circuit city for a lil and then back to my house to play more NCAA lol.
sunday i didnt do a DAMN THING! lol. i just sat on my lazy azz and
watched soap operaz all day lol. nah i dint really watch soap operaz
but i still dint do a whole lot lol. i drove up and checked out tha new
big attraction in mantua, tha BRAND! NEW! EXCITIN! DOLLAR GENERAL!!! lol.
mcdonalds better watch out. DG might knock em out of business lol. god
mantuas so gay. they better build a damn hollywood video, or
blockbuster next to that bitch lol. i cant hate though, tha dollar
generalz still pretty kool. itz big az hell! they even got a frozen
foodz section along with a clothez section lol. clothez section? wtf iz
this? tha damn goodwill or sumpin? whatz tha world comin to
nowadayz....sellin clothez at a dollar store lol. that must be why they
built it in mantua lol. but o well itz all gravy baby.
today waz wack and this whole damn week iz prolly gonna be wack cuz
were takin tha damn OGT's. i prolly failed mine today cuz i waz
gonna die of not bein able to breathe. my noze waz all stuffed up and
shit to tha point where i had to hold my damn mouth open just to
breathe lol, it waz a bitch! plus.....i waz in tha cafeteria
takin my test and marybeth waz in there with me and she kept lookin at
me every 2 secondz so that kinda threw my concentration off a lil bit
but .....O WEEEEEEELL, i still got 4 more timez to pass it. thankz baby
aight well ima tired lil boy so ima go cook me a peanizzle bizzle and
jizzle sandwich, listen to a lil keith sweat (since im in a tired mixed
with sex mood lol), then hit tha sack. PaCe!
**o ya and to whoeverz leavin tha gay azz commentz in my LJ about me
and marybeth, your so lucky your not leavin your name, or ide have to
beat tha shit out of you if you were a guy, cuz trust
me..........i swear to god your on my last fuckin nerve.**