Tue, 12:22: RT @ transitions0101: Kimura plays an elite public prosecutor while Nino portrays a novice prosecutor who looks up to him as a mentor.
Tue, 12:23: RT @ transitions0101: The two men are assigned to a murder case where Kimura encounters a suspect who once took away his most beloved person.
Tue, 12:23: RT @ transitions0101: As Nino doubts Kimura's persistence in setting up the suspect as d culprit, tensions mount btw the two as they stand o…
Tue, 12:24: Nino & Kimutaku in a movie together,so excited & happy with this news
Tue, 12:25: RT @ aistorm3104: I remember when nino once said that he's reached the level of kimura takuya in terms of acting and NOW HE'S ACTING WITH HI…
Tue, 12:25: RT @ agphish: "The Prosecutor's Sinner" based on the novel by Shizukui Shusuke, disciples competing with each other at solving murder. THIS…
Wed, 10:25: 😭😭😭😭 my everyday place, now to look for other anime sources, it's good I have dramas/movies sources otherwise *doom* https://t.co/nV3Sf5FVOl