In unrelated news, I'm not dead. I know I've been eaten by the Facebook and the Tumblr and the Twitter, and also the being overseas thing, but I do still read your LJs! I just so rarely have Deep Thots (tm) to share these days that I don't much post. Will try to be better.
On Monday:
I am having a bit of a salon morning. Yay mani-pedis and pampering!
I have a phone interview with a company I admire a great deal; they're in Atlanta. Recently also heard that the company in southern Germany with which I also had a good phone interview is going to fly me out for a face-to-face. Yay opportunities! And also paycheques!
A chap from Dundee, of whom I am very fond indeed, arrives for a 10-day visit. OMG YAY!! We've both been rabidly looking forward to this visit for months. I've missed him like crazy.
Tell me one thing that makes Mondays not *so* bad after all, for you.
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