I've been working on things, but after several weeks of being the sickest I can ever remember being (and still needing to drag myself to work) I feel completely discombobulated and like I'm so far behind.
I'm trying to get back on track with cooking. I was really looking forward to culinary night this month, but it hit right after the death plague so I thought it best to cancel. I've got ingredients for 3 more recipes and if nothing else I think I'll cook them myself this week, and work on getting the house ready for culinary night next week.
I am so very excited for a monier's guild workshop this weekend-it's a super small workshop so we're hoping to get through all of the apprentice level requirements for the guild and make some good headway on starting my mon die. All of this is really ground work/ footwork for my ultimate goal of wanting to make persona appropriate coins to have as personal tokens as thanks, and to play Italian historical games with.
I'm also excited about working on my scribal project with my apprentice sister Annaka. I've picked out the extant Italian document I want to base my illuminated petition letter on- I just wish I could find a good electronic version of humanist miniscule so I could play around with wordsmithing the letter and how it will look in the frame of the illumination. I'd be happy to pay for it, but I'm a bit hesitant to buy a font from an unknown website.
Here's a link to the source document:
http://nonsolusblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/100_1729-e1316719002325.jpg I'm hoping to have the ground work for this in place by the time I go to camp for a week so I can make use of my down time to (at least hopefully) get a chance to focus on my various projects).
I'm also planning to bring my replica Italian tarot deck to hopefully get more comfortable playing tarocchi.
I really, really want a pretty new gown for trials in September as well, but I'm telling myself I need to focus on what I have to have done before worrying about extras. I'm hand sewing a fur lined muff as seen in some Venetian woodcut images from the 1570's and a pocket or 3 (the idea is that one will be part of my wardrobe entry, and the extras, if there is time) with be tokens of thanks for those who were with me on this journey. I'm also really struggling to figure out how to do the sleeves on the new gown I want to do, so we'll see if I even attempt to take it on before August/ September.
I've also thought a lot about the idea of a quest in the last year, and I think I've decided on the challenge I will set myself to, if I should pass. I don't know if I should talk about it here and ask for feedback, or if I should wait and announce it at trials if I pass them. I think I've decided that whether or not I pass the trials I will still hold myself to this challenge as I really feel it's valuable, important and the path that I should put myself on regardless, even through it will truly be a challenge to accomplish.