(no subject)

Sep 09, 2011 13:03

      As I'm preparing to head north to Aquaterra's Sergeantry trials tomorrow I thought I'd check in and share what else is in the works. I'm also planning on attending the Blatha An Or Sergeantry trials, to support and experience their traditions.
      Due to life and planning issues we did not have a Sergeantry meeting at September Crown, but Her Majesty graciously suggested that we try again for Crown Council- the schedule has not been confirmed yet, and I will be posting further information here when it is. Crown Council will be November 12, in Wyewood: http://www.antir.sca.org/Upcoming/?Event_ID=2483
I am extremely hopefull that we can have a discussion with representation from as many branches of the sergeantry as possible. I think Her Majesty Dagmaer and His Majesty Thorin have a unique perspective on the Sergeantry, it's meaning and thoughts on it's purpose and future.
As part of the process of focusing on the common requirements, duties, goals and purpose of all branches of sergeantry I've been working on gathering any of the requirements posted here or online and focusing only on those thing we all have in common. If anyone would like to help with this project, or share any thoughts on it please let me know. I would love to have at least a draft completed when we meet at Crown Council.
One of the things I took away from the July Coronation meeting was that incoming Coronets are sometimes struggling as much as the standing Sergeantry in knowing what the expectations are and having to reassess and completely reestablish what the expectations are for both the Sergeantry and those they swear fealty to serve. Is there any interest in creating a panel, or even a discussion among all of us to help create a template of basic expectations for standing Sergeantry members to help clairfy what the standard of expecations are? Just a thought that this may help all of us as this is something each branch has to deal with every 3-6 year when new coronets are already dealing with a plateful of new responsibilities and expecations.

It also occurred to me that perhaps I should share the links I've compiled from all over the  kingdom. When I have a free moment I'll try to load them to the groups links- unless anyone else has the free time and would like to do so. :)

In joyous service,


Adiantum- list of sergeantry, previous site of requirements broken

Aquaterra Sergeantry manual:

Blatha An Or Customary, including Sergeantry requirements:
Old requirements for Blatha An Or:

Barony of Borealis

Barony of Glymm Mere:

Barony of Lions Gate:

Seagirt Customary 2010 (which includes rightes and responsibilities:
Sergeantry: The Sergeantry is the host of current Sergeants, Yeomen, and Gallants. They swear fealty to the Baroness.

Stromguard Sergeantry requirements, history, etc.:
Stromguard Sergeantry manual:

Requirements for the Barony of Terra Pomaria

Requirements for the Barony of Vulkanfeldt

Barony of Wastekeep Sergeantry requirements

Wealdsmere duties & responsibilities, requirements

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