Jul 13, 2004 21:02
yeah guys i need a new job, coz pretty soon im gonna be earning like 5bucks a week which is NOT good..yeh peter (not cute peter, FAT peter) told us that hes got this new system of where rina and ada work tues,weds and fri afterschool, and me and katy work weds afterschool-wif the new taxation (of which i wont be able to claim back neways due to be 18...why...-_____-") id be getting like what $5?? for an afternoon marking kids work...basically its not worth it having to pay for busfare, food, clothes, bday gifts, ball-debt and not to mention the huge amount i owe to dear kartles~ urghhhh maybe i'll go apply in freakin kliens then-at least im in the mall rite!? urghhh i dont wanna work in kliens but i wanna be in the mall=good food on breaks hahahah so now am regrettin leavin macas actually...i culd always go back as earl, buffy, bobby and others did but id rather not...>.<" what am i gonna do..at least katy has the whorehouse-rina&ada get like 2extra days at kumon which is gud...even thou they were complaining that it was unfair(awwww thanx guys-luv u lots!! ^^) its still good...im over kumon anyways, after finding out that kingsley is kinda mean and charles likes to pick his nose and flaunt it...basically thr cuteness is dying..hehehehe hmmmmmmmm...tomorrow i WILL plant radish seeds, work on my bio, work on stats and buy sarah's 18th bday gift (YAY DINNER PARTY IN 2DAYS!!! ^^) and im not gna go out 2mrw ive decided...i use too much cash :P hahahha ummmm...yeah at the moment im so into "Age Of Wonders3" hahahha i kick major ass in that hahahahha even my bro doesnt wanna play wif me nemore (doesnt matter...just coz i beat him that...he whips my demented ass (yes i sat on that huge metal bar thing in ada's car...god that HURT!) in all those arcade style games...bahhhh and i was the only who downloaded em >.<" hahahhaha hmmmmmmmm....kt's darlin shall be arriving in 2days? wohooo i'll see them at the ball...hahahahhahahaha awwwwwwwwww it'll be so good to have anotha happy couple to stare daggers at while oohing and ahhing over how cute they are rite? -_____-" hahahahhaha im joking! :P
"when i think about my laugh/i wonder if i will survive to live to see 25 or will i just fall/like all my friends/just keep dying/people round me always crying/in this place where i like to call my home/not everybody noes that everybody goes to a better place/not everybody noes that everybody culd be living their last days/but the hard times will come and we'll keep movin on/were movin on up/keep moving on..."
-Moving'On;Good Charlotte