Jun 23, 2010 14:01
So...I don't know if I'm going to get this costume done in time for CONvergence. If I do, I have no idea if I should enter it or my Cirque costume. This costume is going to be fun and go with the theme of the con, but it probably won't be as "amazing" (i.e. intricate and painstakingly built) as my last costume. On the other hand, my Cirque costume has already been competed, I already have a presentation to go with it, but I am annoyed with certain parts of it. But my Cirque costume is awesome. But the other one is just so fun!
Motivation, please return! I have no motivation to finish. And there isn't a lot to finish....A great friend has been my motivator and advice-giver. I won't be up there until Friday evening. Shit.
I have a hotel room in the main con hotel (total score, I'm excited), and I'm trying to convince Andrew to come stay with me as it seems that my previous roommate won't be able to come because she is moving a lot sooner than she expected. Also, maybe if he comes, he'll learn about the awesomeness that is costuming...
I think after CONvergence, I'm just going to work on costumes at whatever pace I feel like, and whatever gets done will be when I decide what con I will compete it at. I seriously think that setting deadlines makes me less motivated and more frustrated than necessary. Also, I want to remake my Alicia costume. I look at it now and it was so fantastic at the time, and now I see a ton of fail because I know how to do things better.
I'm probably not going to Otakon anymore. Some of it is because of the money, some of it is because I'm not really feeling it this year, and some of it is because of all the other shit going on that weekend (Heidi will be coming up b/c my parents are going on vacation, and I've been invited to my friend's cottage that weekend). Also, I have a final that Friday morning, and although I can take it early, I just don't really want to. I dunno, I would like to go see a high school friend that I haven't seen in forever, and I'd like to see the Yoshida Brothers, and also my other friends. But money...etc...
Blah. Sorry for the rambling. XD