I have journal now, wow.

Jun 30, 2003 17:15

Thanks for the idea on starting a journal on here Mike. I'll put your link and everything on here later. Well, now to start this thing... I'm in the middle of the biggest confusion i've ever been in before, this relationship with my gf that has turned sour. We used to be so in love and now things have turned terrible. I didn't do anything at all, she even said i didn't. It's so weird though bc i think she is either trying to meet another guy or already has and it's really hard on me bc i love her more than anything. She won't even talk to me to tell me she loves me ne more. I call her and she says, "I got to go, bye." then hangs up. It's really quite sad and i hate that things have gotten to be this way it really sux. Everybody says i deserve better but i love her and i am lost in all this. Mike has been there for me a lot and i really love him for it, thanks man. A bunch of people have been there for me during this though, thanks to: Mike, Nate, Trevor, Tina, Zach, Scott, Matt, and a million others i won't mention for the sake of not causin another fight between me and my gf. I'm i nthe process of moving back to Stanley, NC also from Clover, SC. It's really hard for me because i'm going back to everything that i ran from in the beginning and being forced to leave behind everything that i built for myself down there. I don't want to move, but my parent's are makin me move back. well, i think that's enough whining for one sitting, but if ne one reads this, sign the guest book or somethin or e-mail or somethin and talk to me, i'd love it. it's always good to know you're not alone.
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