Protest Prop 8

Nov 15, 2008 09:19

So Today I'm going to a protest against Prop 8 passing. This is part of a nationwide protest, and if you are in the U.S. I urge you to consider going, more info here:

The Columbus protest is in front of city hall from 1:30 to 4:00 PM. You can take the number 2 bus down from any location on high street and get off at Broad Street. City hall is at 90 W. Broad street.

I say consider, and not go, because I've already seen some political problems pop up around prop 8 passing and the protests. In the news media there has been this claim that the black vote is the primary reason Prop 8 passed. This claim minimizes and further marginalizes the existence of black GLBTQQI people, AND it ignores the real funding and menace to gay marriage: the mormon church (whose members are mostly white).

Some white GLBTQQI activists have been verbally harassing black activists. IF I SEE THIS AT THE PROTEST: I am leaving. Gay marriage is not worth an increased level of racism and bigotry.

In addition to California passing prop 8, Arkansas banned unmarried couples from adopting children. So over 400 adopted children are being removed from their same-sex parent households because the parents are not married (because they are second class citizens and do not deserve the same rights as heterosexual people).

AND last but not least, gay marriage is just the beginning. Gay marriage will NOT erase the discrimination that GLBTQQI face. It will not make people see us as part of society or even in some cases human. Gay marriage does not address the issues that trans people or intersex people face, it will only help the gay, lesbian, and bisexual trans and intersex individuals who want to get married to a same sex partner.
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