I know it's not the original ivory and rose colour scheme, but I rather like it this colour...
The motor, which I should probably have removed before painting the case... Never mind!
I had to remove it afterwards anyway to address a slightly unnerving grinding noise, which turned out to be a bent fin on the cooling fan inside (I'm open to suggestions on how an enclosed fan got bent!)
The top was horribly scratched, all the way back to bare metal. Since I wasn't in a position to strip and re-prime it, I just sanded out what I could as I went along...
I don't have an excuse for these, I was just playing with the camera...
And a couple more totally excessive shots to show off the whole thing...
I've also cleaned out the spare motor, which was packed with fluff and had very firmly stuck brushes:
I couldn't help but notice it has a rather fancy winding pattern compared to the other two, and a different fan with fewer blades. I wonder which is actually better? The fan would certainly explain why later machines sound so different...
Trivia: This vacuum cleaner would cost £1,190.00 in today's money, based on average earnings in 1958 as compared to now. I have a little more to say on the subject of modern cheap goods and the throw-away mentality that goes with them, but that's a rant for another day.
Thanks again to
snowtiger_uk for making all this possible :3