10 reasons why gay marriage is wrong.
1) Being gay is not natural.
And real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning, tattoos, piercings and silicon breasts...
2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay.
In the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
3) Legalizing gay marriage
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i didn't mean you shouldn't feel passionate about them or that you shouldn't be angry that some people are so ignorant and full of hate. it bothers me too. but what i've come to realize with age (how old are you btw? i forgot)
is that no matter what, there are ALWAYS going to be people who hate gay people and who hate people of different races and just people that are bitter and full of hate in general.
when i was a bit younger (in my young teens maybe up til about 17), i was exactly like you. i'd rant and complain and just in general be angry about stuff like this. but then i realized i was stooping to their level. I was angry, I was hating them, I was allowing their bitterness and ignorance affect me.
i realized that no matter how i felt about it, they weren't going to change. getting angry and lashing out so to speak, won't make them understand anything or be more open-minded. being angry only encourages more anger.
so what i meant was just accept the fact that some people are closed minded. that's totally their problem and not yours. let them hate. let them be miserable. but you should be happy! because you're not like them. you have an open mind, you are a good person etc.
don't fight hate with hate, that's all i'm saying.
I really am not a hateful person by any means. I believe hating destroys the hater more than the hatee, and I try to live by that. Believe me, I have learned that you can't change anyone's mind by attacking them because that just puts up there defenses. I've found that the best way to open people up to others is through really talking to them and getting to know them in turn. Most hate and prejudice is just a resultant of ignorance.
I'm actually embarassed that I ever gave off the impression to you or to anyone else that I thought anything different.
I just ask that before you assume that I really am that angry of a person (I envision a torch welding rioter...I hope that's not what you were thinking...) just try and get to know me better and not assume I am that way because of a few online blogs.
i'm not insulting you for writing about what you write about. it's YOUR journal. i just want to make sure you're happy i guess. because sometimes you don't come across that way. and i just thought that if you're going to be unhappy, be unhappy about something more worthwhile lmao idk.
fuck people. srsly.
and of course i don't think you're a torch wielding rioter! ahah
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