(no subject)

May 30, 2007 20:50

If you are part of the Harry Potter fandom (or any fandom) you'll want to read this.

We are esentially...under attack because some people who call themselves Warriors for Innocence have decided that certain users and communities on lj engaging in what they believe to be illegal activities or seemingly what they deem to be morally wrong or offensive should be deleted. While some of these communities are obviously advocating illegal activites, not all of them are. Such fanfiction communites like pornish_pixies  have been targeted as well as the blatantly obvious illegal ones, and users who engage in RPing. If this has caught your attention you can find out more details here.

If you're a worried fandom memember then join the fandom_counts community. All you have to do is be counted....10,9011 members and counting. In less than an hour over 2,000 lj users have joined. Be counted!!!
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