Dec 22, 2005 19:57
ok so me n jared were just having a great convo [which got interupted twice by my sis] n then he randomly got offline....and he hasnt come back on. lol kinda sad. butits ok cuz atleast we talked and this time it didnt end in a insane bitch out session. hes feelin the holiday loneliness, i can tell. lol oh well he better get back on tonight or i will bitch slap his fine ass ;)
speaking of the holidays~ heres my new years resolutions for 2005
New years Revolutions 2005
*survive strength training
*be myself
*be more confident
*do well on the rest of the exams we have this year
*keep having fun
*keep singin no matter what
*always know that things happen for a reason no matter how bad it may be/feel at the time
*be more honest
*let go of myself
*dont be afraid of the past or the future
*dont be a dumbass
*dont let ppl piss me off
*be the best baseball manager there ever was, and have fun doin it
*be thankful for what has been given to me
and last but not least
*keep kickin ass
well i survived strength training this year but i dunno how its gonna go 2nd semester lol, ive deff boosted my confidence level, exams went pretty well actually..i got a C on the econ exam and im prob lookin at a B+ on Math, and hopefully an A on my history..[its on slavery, honestly what else can Fee give me?? lol], i sang on various occations, im deff the one and only greatest baseball manager Mr.Seevers ever had, n for the rest of them i think at the end of the day i achieved them. even when things got a little rough.
ill post my resolutions for 2006 after christmas.
in the mean time, i think ill go icon huntin ;)