Assuming this wasn’t a dream brought on by being read too much Caprican pulp noir before bedtime, I hope the thirteenth tribe did make it to Earth because if they didn’t the way things are going there’s going to be no intelligent life forms left in the galaxy by next Saturday. Maybe Doc Cottle and (by virtue of not appearing on camera) Caprica Six. Although Tory was sane when she was sober, albeit in an ruthlessly evil, othered woman kind of way. I think I like Tory.
It was rather compulsively watchable probably because rather than in spite of feeling like an episode of Eastenders in Space. Well apart from the Kara/Anders scene which was more like Spuffy Badfic in Space. Space makes everything better but, like most addictive things you’re not addicted to, the morning after is much more “I am never, never doing that again,” than “need more crack.” But I’ll still be back next week hoping it’s the dark before dawn rather than the train at the end of the tunnel.