Seems the UK got the first S8 issue of the year a day early. This puzzles me but not enough to care.
I once read a theory that episode seven of every Buffy season was a pivotal one. One that would give a new meaning to all the previous action and set the stage for that still to come. Actually while that might be true of CWDP and OMWF for S5 the more obvious fulcrum would be No Place Like Home, S4 I can’t even remember and in S2/3 it was later (Innocence/Consequnces). OK scrap the numerology, every season has a turning point and that’s what Anywhere but Here represents for S8. In many ways the action follows on directly from The Long Way Home. The Chain was a true standalone and, as many have complained, very little appeared to be happening with Buffy and Co during the Faith arc. Still if I’d read this directly after the first episode it wouldn’t have had the impact it does now. What we were shown there needed time to percolate. Non-happenings drip, drip, drip through consciousness and settle ready to be picked up and flipped over (so not a coffee drinker).
I’ll start with the Dawn n’ Xander show. Closet humour with frilly Xander aside, I’d been suspecting for a while that there was something more to the Kenny story than Dawn has sex and badness ensues or ‘Buffy sleeps with Angel’ repeating itself as farce. She was definitely holding something back from Willow and it turned out to be Parker with added betrayal (I wonder if Xander remembers the fluke). Dawn shifts from innocent dupe to empowered transgressor and sets the pattern for all the other reveals.
Going back a few issuesThe Chain was a paean to the unnamed hero. Not!Buffy snatched from the safety of ‘fascist’ oppression to a brave new world of sisterhood, connection and sacrifice. As she put it herself, “Millions of people go into making a name.” People, work and cold hard cash. Batman’s conveniently a millionaire but how does Superman pay the mortgage on that Fortress of Solitude? They could have gone the mysterious W&H style benefactor route but it would have had a touch of the poor innocent blonde led astray. I’m so very very happy that Buffy’s sinister sponsor is herself.
So much makes sense now.
More with “what the hell am I doing?”
Buffy you are the dark.
The slips into defensive moral indignation:
Are you talking about the girls who are protecting the world from…
You were given a gift and you used it to hurt innocent girls? Other Slayers?
That’s how it started maybe. Girls getting killed. Or finding the world a much wilder place beyond Sunnydale, mere Scythe not cutting it. Those last two episodes of the Faith arc, it’s all there. Opens with Buffy and Willow at word play, drawn almost cartoonishly, bunches and butter wouldn’t melt while the Wiccan team look on. Just as she jumped at the vision of Willow’s corruption, of course she needed to think the worse of Faith. Faith was always the road not travelled and while Buffy set off to change the world, Faith followed the old model, lone Slayer guarding her personal hellmouth, no connections, no temptations. What of the others? Willow didn’t know but Xander must and Giles? Even if he hasn’t been told he was a businessman, has some idea of the cost of things. I think he wasn’t protecting Buffy from having to become a killer because he thought she was innocent but because she’d already started to fall.
Willow’s reaction to the death of magic was interesting (I like
londonkds’s idea that the Frayverse is the equivalent of of Five Years Gone world in Heroes, a possible future but no utopia). Also her assertion that she could never again chose Buffy over the woman she loved. I had sensed a distance between Willow and Buffy on Willow’s side and am delighted to see Buffy know it, Willow admit it and pretty much say it “I killed Tara.” But while she lets slip momentarily that Buffy was happier not dragged back out of heaven she almost immediately spackles it over with “I chose you.” She didn’t choose Buffy, not entirely. She also chose what her friend represented, the glamour, the misery, the violence, the chance to be someone. A name.
Misc other stuff:
Buffy in the Swiss bank vault and I’m sure the red head is supposed to be Leah and isn’t that Rowena’s trademark baseball cap? Or one of Satsu’s funny hats?
Willow could still be the betrayer but not the current ‘man on the inside.’
The stone atrium of Buffy’s despair had a broken red egg-like ornament floating above the black plinth. Red seems to be a Twilight colour. Roden and Gigi’s red gemstones, red on the cover of the book, symbols carved in blood.
Espirit d’escalier is misspelt.
Does the Christian Bale thing confirm that Buffy is totally into fantasy threesomes?
So much funny.