I’ve had a vid recs post in mind ever since reading
post on the appeal of vids being about being able to experience what other people see. As brain posts tend to, it grew and grew but here at least is the beginnings of a list.
Vids of vicarious love.
Don’t Panic by
cherryice I’m not able to watch Heroes but have enjoyed reading about it in other people’s journals. Then yesterday I downloaded this and was instantly blown away by the Claire love. It’s a beautifully constructed vid that pulls the eye into it with constant motion mixed with contrasting scenes of visceral horror and human connection. By the climatic sequence it feels as if you’ve gone through so much with the character I dare anyone not to weep from pride.
You can call me Al by
sdwolfpup. Due South is a show I saw relatively little of back in the day (damn you BBC and your snooker shaped scheduling obsessions) but always remember with affection. This vid shows me why.
This is how it was by
This is an early SGA vid from the maker of Us also to a Regina Spektor track. Us is technically more accomplished but this one speaks to me more. Mostly because of what it has to say. It’s a vid about memory and loss and regret and I love it because it manages to actually look like memories look to me inside my head. Little flashes of disconnected images with weird colour distortions, some almost photographic others mere sketches and words. And numbers because music is made of numbers and Rodney is a physicist so he knows that.
Loggerheads by
obsessive24. Based on an indie movie that may never get a release outside of festivals this is another vid about regret. Third person weaving multiple stories together where TIHIW was first person and singular it uses dissolves quite beautifully to convey memories being triggered and linked and airy, rarefied colours that give a feeling of being simultaneously caught up in events and yet distant from them. Most of all though, to bring things back to the original theme of this post, is a sense of the deep impression the movie made on the vidder in turn creating a longing to see what they did.