Glee 1.14 Hell-O

Apr 20, 2010 20:59

Glee just makes me happy (mostly):

Do Slushie On My Parade opening. Timing always timing.

Finn Hudson you’re no Jim Morrison. Although Finn *thinking* he’s the Lizard King complete with cheerleader maenads, that’s funny.

Give You Hell. Harry dances. Be still my heart.

Rachel meets Jesse (I give impromptu concerts for the homeless) St James. Real Mickey and Judy vibe though not because of the song or the characters, I think it’s the performers - two old pros.

Vocal Adrenaline coach channeling Liz Hurley as the devil. Vocal Adrenaline doing the dance troupe from hell number. Subtlety is for little men.

Dolphins are gay sharks. Sometimes I forget my middle name. Brittney thou holy fool. Harpo Marx as a girl.

Sue engorged with venom and coaching Sarah Palin. Outstanding.

Emma, you really needed to dump Will Scheuster. Not just for being a man with curly hair but look at how much better Terri is without him. The bitch is totally back.

Srs thoughts. Pre-sectionals music was how they all came together in gleekdom. Apart from the Give You Hell number, which retained the kids making their own fun vibe, everything’s that little bit more professional now. Music has become the temptation to be “even more selfish and narcissistic,” to find your inner rock star or be seduced by one.

Vogue. Be still my heart. |
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