Glee 1.04 Preggers

Sep 26, 2009 10:15

I take back the pantomime characterization, I take it back. Even if the most appropriate thing to do whenever Sandy turns up is yell “Behind You!” at the TV, it’s not pantomime so much as hyperreal with flashes of very, very real - Kurt’s coming out scene, his Dad saying “He’s so little,” just before the big kick, Mercedes settling, Quinn, Puck and Finn’s fear of staying and being Lima losers. It has that Buffy thing of supernatural/musical weirdness but emotional realism yet more so, at least compared with the high school years on BtVS. I think it’s the loser thing, Sunnydale looks like the kind of place someone from Lima would escape to. Prosperous, not so far from LA. Rotten underneath it all but with pools to clean and big opportunities in construction and retail there for the taking.

I think Kendra should either team up with Sue or face off against her, nothing could stand against their combined crazy. Sandy evens out the gender insanity tally, if there’s an imbalance it’s in the good parent/mentor area. I was a little annoyed by Will’s Daddy issues being the only thing to be played entirely straight last week but that wasn’t an issue with Kurt/Burt or Will/Finn they worked entirely as intended. Still, while all the men step up to their father figure roles, their female equivalents are Sue (narcissistic and melagomanical), Kendra (batshit), Emma (ineffectual) and Finn’s mom who he seems to take care of more than the other way round. Not to mention the actual biological mothers being hysterical liars or predatory MILFs (if you’re Puck who is horrible but does make me think of Rhinestone Cowboy).

In conclusion Beyonce for England manager. I also loved Mercedes’ fantasy number, Vocal Adrenaline dancing through Crohn’s disease and “And I’m taller than you.”


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