But only one image. It's a big image, but only one. It's of my character from that long running story most of my RL friends know so very well: Cillara DeSanto.
This is so very superhero-ish it almost hurts. This is what happens when I watch Thor, then we spend the next few days watching Avengers and reading comics. It seeps into my BRAAAAIIIIN.
This character, who isn't a superhero, is a very OLD character of mine from a massive story I really need to farking finish already. It's MASSIVE. There is tons of backstory and lots of characters, most of whom are rather fleshed out as well, and several story arcs and I almost have panic attacks trying to figure out how I'm going to ever get this beast done.
*sighs* it really doesn't help that Cillara is my Crossover Character of choice. Some people make Mary Sues, I make Cillara. I make Cillara go teach at Hogwarts. I make her show up on the Enterprise. I make her annoy the piss out of Superman and give Batman hives. I make her do whatever my little imagination comes up with to amuse myself at the time. Sooooo there's a lot of random art about her, but a good chunk of it isn't canon AT ALL. Hell, I've even AU'ed my AU's for her... yeah. It's like Inception in story form.
She is the character I always come back to.
I am ridiculously proud of this, though. It's huge in RL, about 20" by 30", and while there isn't any background, the figure itself turned out awesome. I'm starting to feel more and more comfy with watercolors. I don't know what's going to happen when I switch from the heavy vellum bristol illustration board I've been painting on to regular watercolor paper, which I have to do cause I've run out of the board and it's $10 a farking sheet omg. But we shall see. I might have to reacquaint myself with a drawing board, since the watercolor paper, while heavy, isn't going to be as nicely stiff as the board. We shall see.
Also, I probably need to size it back a bit for later paintings. This one gave the Awesome Fiance fits, cause it had to be scanned in six pieces and then photoshopped back together. Did I mention he is awesome? And the most patient fiance ever? Cause he IS.