So it's been a bit since I have updated this thing, I know. Aside from the usual work-sleep-eat-read -draw scenario that is my usual routine at life, a few things have been going on, so I thought I would give everyone who doesn't talk to me on the phone on a semi-reasonable basis a run-down of my current situations.
One, Zephyr is gone. Yes, my poor beleaugered Taurus has finally been put to pasture. The thing had lost a/c (oh all right, it never had it working really in the first place...) heat, fan, had the check-engine light on permanent address, the starter motor was looking to die, there was a whine in the front wheel, and lets not even mention the body damage. So my parents decreed that it was time for a newer vehicle, and reminded me of the 5 grand my grandmother left me.
So last Thursday I picked up my new car:
Isn't she beautiful? She is a 2001 PT Cruiser Limited Edition. And she has ALL the bells and whistles, like tinted windows and leather upolstery and heated seats and chrome wheels and Cd/Tape player and etc. Her name is to be the Fairy Cruiser, since for Christmas I will be getting money to paint her. I won't be changing the red (it's called Inferno, hee.) Instead, I will be painting a black and white checkerboard along the runnerboards from wheel well to wheel well, with fairies with dice on the back, above the from wheels, and inside on the red-enameled passager air bag. I am doing something to the hood, but I keep changing my mind as to what. So come winter there will be TONS more pictures. I will document the process, and then I will have the car professionally clear-coated to protect everything.
The other big thing is that I got medical insurance and I am USING it. Namely, I've been having a lot of numbness and tingling in my hands, pain in my wrists (not unusual, but wait) and issues with dropping things and pain in my shoulder and stuff. So I went to the doctor, who referred me to an Orthopedic doctor, who had me to this test at 7am this morning. I was so NOT awake. It was a nerve conductivity study along the left side, which is arguably the worst side. (Btw, the test... not fun. Not fun at all. They test you by running a current through your nerves, first with this tiny-but-Frankenstienian shocker thingie, and then by sticking your muscles with a needle and moving it around. Guh. Hatehatehatehatehate needles. That sucked.) Anyways, they were looking for carpal tunnel, but my nerves checked out completely normal, which is awesome since I had nightmares that I've been damaging my nerves. So, no carpal tunnel; I have been diagnosed with Myofascial Pain Syndrome, which has symptoms of pain, numbness, dropping things, tingling, etc. Basically all of my symptoms. So I go back to the Ortho on Monday and we will continue from there. The Myofascial thing is chronic and not-curable, but is treatable with massage, physical therapy, and other, more bizarre-sounding procedures. But, no surgery, so yay!
Last, but not least, I have PAID vacation time, so I am taking a nice long vacation for Dragoncon. ^____^ I will spend a little time in South Carolina beforehand, visiting my friends who can't go this year and my brother and his girlfriend (neither of whom are fen.) Then me and me rat (yes RAT) will be down for Dragon, having a blast. Please let me know if you will be there, and we can try to meet up.
Okay, so I'm totally tired and don't feel like typing anymore, so this will have to do.
*hugs you all*