TLA silliness

Jun 07, 2010 23:00

From a rather strange chain of thought, I came up with the notion of the TLA movie actually being a fantasy campaign played by the Darths & Droids group after finishing Revenge of the Sith. Casting was surprisingly easy:

Sally: Aang. Young, goofy, creative, and a "nicer character" than Mace Windu. When the other players ask why she gets to play who is clearly the main hero, the GM explains that she's earned it, because she's doing at least half of the world-building and if they don't let her play the hero, they're going to be wandering around a Generic Fantasy Patchwork Map with bland settings populated by vaguely defined animals. The Asian aesthetics are because her class has started studying Asian cultures.

Jim: Katara. Was originally the 14-year-old chieftess of the only Water Tribe city, chosen leader because she's the only Waterbender. Fun fact: physical description was basically "looks like Padme, but younger". The GM vetoed Katara-as-leader, but allowed her to be the chief's daughter, with limited authority in her father's absence, and downgraded "only Waterbender" to "only Waterbender left in the city and untrained". When Jim quickly recovered from his disappointment and started talking about leading the remaining warriors on a suicide attack since "they're just nameless NPC cannon fodder", the GM decided that Katara's brother Sokka was actually directly in charge of the warriors, and that said "warriors" were all children. He also further downsized the Water Tribe into a decimated village, renamed it the Southern Water Tribe, and moved turned his original plan for the Water Tribe into the Northern Water Tribe. Which very obviously shows in his campaign notes.

Ben: Sokka. As usual, the straight man and responsible one, but he's decided to make his natural snark as part of the character. He also aged up Sokka a bit at the GM's request, hoping that Sokka being significantly older than his sister will help keep Jim in line for IC reasons at the very least.

Annie: Zuko. The other players are surprised that she's going to be playing a villain, but she says she wants to start as a villain character and later join the hero party, since she did the opposite with Anakin and wants to naturally go from villain mindset back to hero mindset. As needed, she'll also play Iroh, and gets much of her experience points from RPing scenes between Zuko and Iroh.

Pete: Nobody yet. He heard "fantasy campaign" and headed for the hills. After the first session, though, he decides he wants to join, but the GM already has the story laid out and none of the pre-made NPCs appeal to Pete. He's started creating his own original character to join after the currently planned story arc is finished, and is talking about taking Short and Blind in order to get enough skill points to be a Master-rank Earthbender from the very beginning...
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