summer reading :)

Jun 06, 2006 23:25

I've decided to pick out some books to read for the summer :)

One of them will have to be The Da Vinci Code. Chris read it all in one night so it must be a little bit entertaining. Unfortunately, I have read all the Warcraft novels to date, so I'll need to find something else in that respect ;) maybe Pillars of the World/etc. Taking the bus to and from work will definitely increase the amount of time I have for reading! I think I also want to try to pick up the Wheel of Time series again. I invested many hours of my life into it reading 8 books - there is no way I am going to drop it now. However I have pretty much forgotten most of the story by now (except for the very main parts of it). I wonder if there is a website anywhere out there with summaries :x I'm not really into the idea of reading them all again, although now that I am older I might enjoy reading it again from a more mature perspective. But... that's a lot of reading to do!

Chris doesn't feel good today :( I hope he feels better tomorrow when he wakes up. I'm a little stuffy (he is too, but combined with a headache), but I think I am just dealing with the aftermath of being home for so long. The allergies take a while to "wear off" if you will :x However my nose is feeling annoying and sensitive now, so I have some lip/face balm on it to hopefully keep any infection out.

As far as WoW goes, I have 611g on my warrior on Bronzebeard now (yay) and nothing to spend it on (Well, I do want stockade pauldrons but don't want to spend much over 200g for them, and eventually if Chris ever gets Moonlyte to 60 I want to buy him his epic mount). I finally sold my libram of focus :x The AH took an enormous cut though :( AH selling FTL... I also got my druid on Mannoroth to 53, so now she has devilsaur gauntlets :) I did a "5"-man Maraudon run with Erin and a few pugs, and the priest disappeared when we had been in the instance for about 10 minutes. But we took care of Landslide, the Princess, and Rotgrip easily :) It was me (feral druid, whooo), a 55 warrior, 53 hunter (Erin), and 49 hunter. It was really easy to heal since only the warrior and pets were taking damage, and I mostly ignored the pets since I wanted to make sure I had mana for the warrior. Who needs priests, seriously? Though, it was fun going feral... for 10 minutes. :( More proof though that feral druids still own! We were a bit high for the instance, but still, being able to 4-man 3 bosses was pretty impressive. The warrior was, shall we say, "twinked" though. Plenty of very good gear for his level. He had a Brain Hacker too (which I hope he didn't spend too much on), but he didn't use it in the hard fights and went with sword/board instead.

I did remember to call my dad but I don't remember where I left his birthday card at home :( I hope he was able to find it, if not next time I'm home I'll have to get it to him. We didn't end up going to see the movie today - it was too late by the time Chris and Tony got out of frisbee. We got some food (I went to subway and they had this crazy electronic ordering thing which I was scared of, they went to bueno y sano), and then watched 3 or 4 episodes of Scrubs in Tony's room :) He has the 2nd floor of his house all to himself right now - both other housemates on that floor have moved out for the summer :P He also has the coolest cowboy bebop wallscroll I have ever seen (of Ed and Ein walking toward the Bebop, I think. I didn't look at it close up.)

I don't know what else to write about so I guess I am done. Tomorrow I get to meet up with my Maya teacher. I hope that goes well, there is no concrete time to meet up with her though :/ I wrote her back but she hasn't responded. I am beginning to think she is bad at that sort of thing!

books, chris, wow, dad

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