The most epic ending to a dire maul tribute run... ever

Nov 29, 2005 01:25

(x-posted to the wow_ladies community)

I just had the most epicly awesome ending to a North DM tribute run on my priest... ever.

The battle with the observer and the king... It didn't start off so great. First off we had one warrior tanking each boss, which was a little scary for my mana pool. I wanted the hunter to use his pet to offtank the observer but they would hear none of it because a "cat isn't a tank"! I've tanked the damn thing with my cat T_T which I tried to tell them T_T but oh well. Anyway as you can guess my mana pool created of mostly blue but some green items was looking a little grim for such a task.

Almost immediately, probably around 70-80%... our mage gets punted into a group of 3 champions across the room and dies. Great... well we still have a hunter for DPS! Meanwhile I'm trying to heal both warriors each on a different boss, and the observer keeps running at me while the off-tank warrior is feared and mind blasting me :( This took me down to 300 hp quite fast. Anyway... I'm low on mana already and the boss is only 40% health... I used Inner Focus (21 disc free heal talent) and did prayer of healing to try to stave it off a bit longer. Did my best to keep up the offtank with renew while spamming my best heals on the main tank, which of course weren't very effective because he was being mortal striked the whole time...

Then, everyone is low health. I have no mana and I'm still at 300 hp. I already used my only mana potion earlier in the fight... The king is at 5%. Our main tank dies. The hunter does what he can, then dies. The off tank leaves the observer, does what he can, and dies. The King is at 1%. Both the observer and the king run for me.

I'm pretty much out of mana.

My mana regen ticks... it gives me enough mana for a single smite spell. I send a little prayer to Elune and hit it... the observer whacks me with his staff, slightly interrupting my spell and making me into even more of a nervous wreck besides.

I have 100 hp left.

The king is just about to hit me...

Smite hits the king for about 300 hp.


My group was estactic XD I ressed the group after gushing happily about my Smite killing the king, nothing really worthwhile dropped (Except the Brightly Glowing Stone, which I got, although I would have much preferred a Mindsurge Robe, Crown of the Ogre King, or staff)

voice, wow

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