NOT about World of Warcraft! O_O

Nov 11, 2005 14:24

Last night was pretty fun :D it was video game club as normal and Josh and Lauren came again which was awesome. They brought their congas for Donkey Konga so we got in some 4 player action :D I realized once and for all that I really suck at rhythm games. We also played Puyo Puyo Pop Fever which was really fun... in the end we ended up all teaming against 2 computers (6 of us - me, Chris, Tom, Andrew, Josh, and Lauren) and we only won half the time... It was really fun though :D Also played some Medios. A lot of the Springfield crew came and played Soul Calibur III and took over our only playstation 2 :P but after they left Chris showed off his Guitar Hero skills. Hearing Josh and Lauren talk about buying it was really funny XD

Josh: Only 60 dollars and it can be ours!!
Lauren: Great!!
There was some more discussion.
Josh: Yeah... $60 each!
Lauren: ...oh.... :X
Josh: Come on! It can be our christmas present to each other!
Lauren: You know I like video games but...
Josh: Oh sure, you probably want some jewelry or something.
Lauren: No...
Josh: Oh or maybe something "SENTIMENTAL"...

The way he said sentimental was hilarious, like it was the most disgusting thing ever :P I think Josh and Lauren are really cute, they remind me of Chris and I sometimes.

This morning Chris and I went to the Northampton Film Festival (I have to go to see a segment for my class, Animation I) and saw the shorts on the "Dysfunctional Family". Some of them were really... weird... others were pretty good. Overall I enjoyed them :) Then an actor/script writer/director came up to the front and answered questions and whatnot.

After we ate at Pinnochio's (pretty good pizza) we came home. Chris went in and talked to the woman in the main office (not sure who it was, I stayed in the car). We are now on the waiting list for a 2 floor, 2 bedroom apartment :D We talked to Tom about it of course and he was fine with it. It is only $20 more each (assuming Shane does not come back, it'll be even cheaper if he does) and it is a LOT more room. There's no one on the waiting list for it now, and there are two leases that are expiring in December :) Neither of them have said they want to keep it yet so we may have a shot at one of them! I'm really excited. Also we found out that with a fee we can have a kitty :D (You can also get a dog too, but it requires a doctor's note for some reason, I don't know what for exactly, we didn't ask) It's a one-time fee for them to clean the carpets and stuff after we move out. Tom also is fine with that since he lives with 4 cats at home... I'm really excited to have Lily here :D Maybe we will see if we can take her home after Thanksgiving, and if that doesn't work out definitely after Christmas :D

apartment, friends, video games

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