Anime Boston

May 01, 2005 14:17

I had sooo much fun this past weekend! We arrived at Chris' (Other Chris, Tyris, will call him Tyris from now on to avoid confusion) apartment a little bit late but luckily there was hardly any traffic and it was a very pleasant drive :D We walked to the convention center and got our badges, and then while Tyris was going to go to his meeting and work for a bit, Ian (aka Deathcheese on WoW) brought us back to Tyris' apartment. We went to a local pizza place on the way, which I forget the name of, and after eating played some games. We got in some F-Zero, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Mario Kart Double Dash. Then we played an Ice House game... I think? I'm not sure if it was that night or not. Anyway, then eventually Tyris came back and we played a game which I forget the name of and started with a C :x and other stuff... can't remember... anyways we went to bed eventually. Just played games and talked a lot :D

Friday we got up around 11ish and went to the con. Chris, Erin, and I wandered around, said hi to Tyris at the video room, and then went to the dealers room. Bought way too much stuff:

CTRL ALT DEL t-shirt (Chris bought it for me!)
Kamui keychain
Doraemon keychain
Pokemon bobblehead (Bulbasaur)
Peanuts random scene from a box (Snoopy and Charlie Brown on the chair together)
Suikoden III poster
FF: Advent Children poster of Tifa
5 small laminated posters (X, Evangelionx2 (one for my sister), Alexiel, Setsuna)
2 FF Advent Children wallscrolls (co-bought with Chris)
Angel Sanctuary cd cases
tons of free posters of random stuff
WILD ARMS soundtrack

Okay, I can't remember things in order very well because I keep getting things mixed up :D So at any rate, we visited the dealer's room one more time the next day, but I didn't buy anything that trip. We saw Kendra and Morgan a bunch of times on friday mostly, and saw Matt once on saturday. We visited the video game room which would have been much more fun if the controllers weren't off-brand or broken. We went to see Whose Line is it Anime? which is exactly what it sounds like, similar to Whose Line is it Anyway? Two people were pretty good and the other two, not so good, the girl especially was no good at improv :P Either way, the best part was the conference part :D Then was the AMVs, which were decent. None of the comedy ones were very good, and that was a huge disappointment :(

At Chris' apartment we got to play Mao (I probably spelled it wrong), Munchkin, and more Ice House games, all of which were absolutely awesome. Also played some more Smashy which was good, and met Tyris' friend Lauren (spelling?) who goes to Smith and is taking the 3D modeling class I took last semester. Err... what else... I'm forgetting a lot now :( Saw the Masquerade which a band cosplaying as Bad Luck played during, which was kinda funny :) The singer was a boy though! I was impressed :P

Oh yeah, also went to the Yoko Ishida concert. It was fun, I only knew a couple of songs. But Chris and I pitched in together to get her newest cd and we got it signed by her at the autograph session. Also, friday we saw Sarah! :) That was really neat, I haven't seen her in a long time :D Saw her in the Dealer's Room. Friday afternoon we went out to eat at The Pour House with Ian (Deathcheese) and ate some pretty good fairly cheap food :D Saturday night after the Masquerade I saw Terry from VGC, so I stopped to talk to him and then he called up Gianni, so I got to see both of them ^_^ and Terry's girlfriend (I think?) but I don't know her name :(

Staying with Tyris was really awesome :D I had soo much fun and got introduced to a lot of new games, most of them non of the video variety :) It was also really great meeting Deathcheese/Ian and I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to say bye to him before we left this morning. We didn't really do much today and the thought of getting home nice and early was sooo appealing, especially since Chris had some work he wanted to get done today.

Anyway, my stomach kind of hurts right now, so I'm going to go make myself some dinner. I think I forgot about a LOT of stuff, but anyways, it was fun and I was happy to meet people and hang out with Tyris :D

anime, convention, friends

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