Jul 09, 2010 01:01
Somewhat less depressing (but also quite distressing) my computer died! Well, he's in a coma. The power cord finally decided to give up. He pulled the plug on himself (a ha ha what a knee-slapper).
So now I have to use my shitty old desktop. It's too slow. =[ And I don't have my music. And I can't do any of the stuff I did on my laptop to pass the time, like watch dramas and TV shows, add new music to my iTunes, etc etc. I must admit I'm rather lost without it. But it makes me do different things. Like watch TV lol. AMERICAN TV omg what I know. I made brownies today, too. They were yummy.
I also played this video game that I borrowed from a friend, Tales of the Abyss. I played Tales of Symphonia a while back and loved it, so I was happy to get Tales of the Abyss. It's fun. I like it, although the main character is annoying and whiney as hell, lol. Well, I'm curious to see how the game will develop.
Oh yeah, I've been selling some of my old books and stuff on Half.com. so far I've made $41 :D I sold my Asumanga Daoh DVD box set, two of my old AP prep books, and an AP psycology laminated info sheet. So $41! Yaay~ That'll be going to books for the future, I think. Or whatever it ends up getting spent on in Japan, lol.
I've also read two books so far this summer! Yay me! One of them was by a British author, Susanna Clarke, and was called "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel". It was a novel about two magicians in 18th century England who are trying to revive practical English magic. It was actually a very interesting book, and really funny with it's Biritsh humor. I recommend it, although it was very long (though it didn't feel that long). Also the other day I finished a book called "The Watchers" by Mark Andrew Olson. It was about this girl who suddenly gets this weird dream about the prophetess Anna meeting the baby Jesus, but instead of seeing it from an objectuive view, she actually IS Anna. Then she gets tossed into an adventure against a deadly dark organization to piece together information about a broken sisterhood of watchers. It was pretty good, except for the end, really. There was a couple of things left unfishined, or like, which really needed to be addressed. And at the end I was like, "So this wasn't really done for any purpose at all. No saving the world or anything." Although I guess 1000s of women were saved? And the Sight was extended throughout the races? idk. But I was a good book while I was reading it. Except I felt like the author was stressing religion and prayer and stuff too much, which was vaguely annoying to me. Well, idk. It was good though.
Now I'm reading Don Quixote, and it's really funny. I like. =D
So that's it, I'm kinda done with typing stuff, lol. Toodles!