
Sep 07, 2008 21:02

So today was my birthday! =D But let's go back and recount past history. =3 The last time I actually posted abo0ut my life (instead of fangirling relentlessly) was August 26. Which was sufficiently long enough for me to write up a post even though I don't especially feel like it.

Well I can't say too much has happened outside of class and stuff, but I can definitely say that I'm having a freakin' blast here at Witt. I love it here! Everyone is so awesome and it's just a wonderful, wonderful place. And the weather is FABULOUS. =3

I'm liking my classes to. Japanese, though extremely easy, is so much fun and I can't wait until I learn something new. =D It's going to be awesome. Calculus is a class that breezes by and the material (so far) is really easy so the homework takes like 5 seconds. I love it. The World At Your Fingertips is quite an interesting class. The subject of Globalization is a topic that I've never though about before and it's a controversial idea, so I quite enjoy learning. Plus, the class doubles as a world geography class, which is excellent because I love the world. =3 Finally, Intro to East Asia is a bit of a slow class but the subject is interesting and I love it, so I don't mind class and reading the textbook. I feel bad for the teacher though cuz he often says things that he obviously thinks are funny cuz he smiles as he says them but nobody laughs and his smile just kind of dies. So I sometimes humor him with a chuckle. xD:

On Thursday there was an activity fair much like the one that we often have at our school 'cept they gave us free food. =D We just kinda walked around and signed up for all the clubs that sounded interesting. So I signed up for the Astronomy Club, Circle K (an international service club), the Anime Club, the Martial Arts Club, the East Asian Studies Club, and the Chinese Dragon Dancing club. =D I probably signed up for one or two others but I'd forgotten them but I really didnt want to sign up but had to cuz the people were staring at me. lol. Idek if I'll be going to all of those but hey, I at least found some interesting things.

On Friday night Jenny, Stephanie, Sammy, Adam, and Kevin went to another party but I opted out cuz I'm a loser and probably would have thought it was lame anyways. lol. So I played on the computer for a while until Stephanie and Jenny came back and we watched Pride and Prejudice which I LOVED because of the actor who played Mr. Darcy. It made me want to hug someone. =3 Then Sammy and Adam and Kevin came STUMBLING into the room in the middle of the movie giggling and laughing and Kevin was obviously pretty drunk and Sammy a little buzzed and Adam pretty sober. It was rather funny though lol. Kevin sat down next to and he reaked of beer lol it was pretty gross. But then they left pretty fast and we all settled down to watch the movie and then we went to bed. xD;

So yesterday Stephanie, Sammy, Jenny and I went shopping after Jenny and I went to a service plunge where we painted over graffitti on walls. =D The mall was actually quite good despite it looking like just a Sears and a Walgreens from the outside. It was rather nice and it had some pretty good stores. =D We only scoped about half of it so we're saving that other half for another time. =D That night was a football game but everyone was too tired to go and we also got back too late so we kind of missed the beginning which isn't much excuse. But we did win and like afterwards I could see a buncha crazy people gathered about down the hill by the seal screaming and yelling and running around and oh lord, college students.

There was supposedly another party that night that got busted at 3 a.m. lol.

Anyways that beat last Saturday where we all like wandered around looking for something to do until we sat down in the lounge on the 2nd floor of the door and watched The Sound of Music for FOUR HOURS OMG.


It was a lovely birthday. I woke up around 10:30 and sat returning people's comments and text messages and playing on the computer for a while. Then Savannah declared that she was coming to get me and I was like "What for?" and she was like "For Happy Birthday!" And i was like o_O; But it ended up that we were just gonna hang out with Patrick and Andrew in the international student dorm where we played Apples to Apples with those two plus Manas, the exchange student from Nepal, and later Duong, who was from Vietnam. =3 It was fun. Then we wandered out into the church ministries picnic (which thankfully had nothing to do with church or ministries) and ate hotdogs, played cornhole (lol. cornhole), and played volleyball. It was nice.

Following I followed Gretchen to the FLLC (Foreign Language Learning Center), where I was required to go for 40 minutes for homework for Japanese and watched movie in Chinese. lol. Actually, it was House of Flyng Daggers, which I really want to finish watching and will die if I don't. xD; But anyways I had to leave in the middle and go to a intramural volleyball game with my team, the individuals. lolol. Cuz we all signed up as indiviuals we were all put together as a team. xD; It was great. We won by default because our opponent didn't show up. lol. She we spent some time playing for fun, and I realize how much I suck in comparison to people who actually know what they are doing. lol. Oh well. I had fun anyway and they'll have to physically kick me out of the team to make me not play. xD;

And then after that Kristen came by and was like "Hey why aren't you going to Burger King?" and I was like "Huh?" and then she was like "Well Savannah wanted to take you to Burger King" and I was like "Er what?" And there was confusion and then suddenly it was decided that we were going to Burger King with Patrick, Adam (who seems to like Savannah since he made out with her at the aforementioned party lol), and Andrew. It was fun. =3 I wore the Burger King crown and walked down the street.

And OMG as we were walking back from Burger King there was this FREAKIN' ADORABLE little kitten that just like came out and walked right up to us. OMG it was sooo cute and I was like petting it and suddely I was really sad because I had no kitty to go home to. ;_; I miss having animals. I've had animals around me all my life and now there are none...and it's kinda sad. I wanted to take that little kitty home with me. It was just so sweet and adorable and the best little kitty ever. I kind of felt like crying. ._.

As we walked away it watched us from under a nearby car. D:

KITTY! (Not a good picture but the best one that doesn't have people in it. There's a better one with Savannah holding it on Facebook.)

But I got over it, a little slowly, after we started playing penny drain, where you try to throw pennies into a drain. lol. It was lame but fun at the same time. lol. And then we parted ways and I took a shower (after being smelly all day long from playing volleyball lol) and then went to Circle K meeting. And now I'm back, blogging. Such is my life.

Grace ordered me SHINee's new album and I can't WAIT to get it. =D=D=D=D=D And of course I'll be ordering DBSK's famous 4th album as SOON as it's available =D=D=D=D=D

K I'ma watch some dramas and read some manga now so ttyl~

life, birthday!, fangirling, animals, college

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