Some random things and YOOCHUN'S BIRTHDAY~

Jun 04, 2007 22:04

So today I spent the whole day (practically) sleeping and watching Gokusen. I started on episode 2 the day before yesterday, and today I started on episode 4 and finished with episode 9. xD It's quite addicting despite its slightly unrealistic plot. And with the most wonderful Jun Matsumoto starring, and some guy that looks a lot like my dear Changminnie as he appears in the "O" video, I find it quite wonderful. It's always interesting, and never ceases to amuse me. =D

I have a mere 2 episodes left, and the special.

So today I did do a few other exchange-trip related things before I sat down to my Gokusen marathan. I went through all my clothes, per mom's request, and selected clothes to potentially bring with me to Japan. I did a load of washing to complete the process but forget about it, as I usually do. xD So it's there, sitting in the washing machine, all waiting for me to put it in the drier. xD

I also spent the day walking around and saying random Japanese parents have been looking at me strangely. xD Hey, I gotta brush up somehow, right?

Ummm...I don't have much else to talk about....ON TO WONDERFUL THINGS!

Today, my friends, TODAY! is the BIRTHDAY! of MICKY YOOCHUN!! He turn 21!! YAAAAAAYY!! He's adorable~ I just adore the picture of him hugging the snow man. :3 He has pictures where he's not that good looking and pictures where he is; it mostly depends on the hair. :3 AND I LOVE HIS LAUGH! It's like a silly little guffaw. xD

Micky is my 4th favorite...He's very cute, but Changmin, Junsu, and Yunho overrule. :3 Also, he is a trouble-maker, along with Jaejoong. xD

From the Balloons video So cute! (Extra long hair afore he chopped it all off!) OH! I recently saw a video where all five of them were with their Mini-Members on some TV show, and they were so adorable! xD (I love Youtube)


Tri-Angle outfit =D

Heehee...Shirtless =D

From Hi Ya Ya~

Early Days~

The many faces of Micky Yoochun :3


His "O" Look :3

Long curly hair! This is what works best for him =D

And now it's all gone....

Wearing glasses, he looks emo. xD

LONG HAIR AGAIN! (though not

MM soccer outfit =D

Playing the piano in the Begin video :O (It looks like Yunho from behind but in the reflection you can see it's him. Plus, he's ALWAYS the one playing the piano. :3)

o_O! Whyyyy....

Mmmm wetness =D

Aza Aza Fighting! (I love Koreans xD)

So that was my for videos! =D

Micky's Solo Performance at the Rising Sun Concert (their first concert). He sings his solo Fox Rain or Like Weather. I have the song in MP3, but it's the whole groups work. It's positively wonderful. *sigh* Micky has a baritone voice, it's not that strong, so he has difficulty hitting th strong and high notes. But with the compilation, those are given to Jaejoong and Changmin, who have the voices for it, and it's swoon-worthy. :3

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And finally...A regular DBSK Video. :3 It's "O"! Yay~ Wierd costumes but awesome dancing and awesome song altogether. Jaejoong's srtikingly blond hair (and dark eyebrows) in a moehawk! is frightening~ And Micky looks like a Pirate. xD (I wish I were the backup dancers....)

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('s in m4a format...because I ripped it off my CD using iTunes.)

So...that's my rant for the day. I hope you enjoyed it. I <3 THE DBSK~ The rock. They have stolen my heart, and now I can't get it back. :O

[Error: close lj-embed tag without open tag]ONLY 4 DAYS UNTIL I LEAVE FOR SAN FRANCISCO!!!!!


micky yoochun, music, dong bang shin ki, dbsk, download, kpop, birthday

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