(no subject)

Aug 17, 2008 03:38

There’s something i don’t get about humanity, and religious views.
Religion, when you boil it down, and take out all the "impurities" (the differences) you basically get some things in common:
The belief of a higher power.
A rite or way to pay homage to the said higher power, be it a simple prayer, or a more elaborate ritual.
Your life dictates what happens to you in the afterlife.

Now... broken down.

Monotheistic religions (well use the Abrahamic religions, Christianity, Islamic and Judaism as they are well known)
Mainly born, and grown in the middle east.
God. Or whatever he is called to whatever religion.
Prophet (has come and will come again, or soon to come.)
Heaven (return to the creator if you are good, and accept him)
Hell (fall away from said creator when you are bad, or don’t accept him)

Easy. Easy in, easy out. you fuck up? prey. Ask for forgiveness. easy.

You have:
Simple deity structure.
Simple way to pay homage to chosen creator.
Your life dictates what happens to you in the afterlife.

Now... polytheistic religions are a bit more complex. They come from many backgrounds. And indeed many gods and goddesses were worshiped before the unity of the deity. Its evolution has come from many backgrounds, and many different areas of the world.
It came around in the start to explain the way things were. Kinda like science, with out the steps to prove why the sun rises, how we get it to rise, how the crops are grown, and the miracle of life.
Its more like: What and why does the sun rise? It must be a god/dess. What and why does the moon rise? It must be a god/dess.

But we’ll try to keep it simple.
There is ultimately a belief of higher powers.
Some have prophets.
There’s rituals, or prayers. Whether it be mediation, lighting incense and candles, or more elaborate rituals.
There’s Karma, or other forms of the “golden dogma rule” that dictates what will happen if you do something good or bad.
Death: when you pass from a good-lived life, you ascend in some way, be it a good reincarnation, or back to the creator, or both. Higher levels of reincarnation, lives where you learn lessons, ultimately achieving nirvana, return to the deity, or whatever the religion dictates.
When you pass from a bad-lived life, just the opposite.
And in some religions, the karma that you haven’t worked off, or gained from will pass on.

Its more difficult. More work. You have good karma, bad karma, golden dogma rules. You do bad? Do more good to make up for it. You don’t have to resign yourself to one particular deity if you don’t want to.

You have:
Complex deity structure,
More elaborate ways to pay homage
Your life dictates what happens in the after life.

monotheistic religions
simple deity structure.
simple way to pay homage to chosen creator.
Your life dictates what happens to you in the afterlife.
polytheistic religions
Complex deity structure,
Sometimes more elaborate ways to pay homage to chosen deity.
Your life dictates what happens in the after life.

So in the end, both have divinity, both “prey” to divinity, and you get payoff for how you lived your life.

Point has been made.

Yet people fight, bitch and complain about how they see divinity. They don’t see that in the end, its just one big, beautiful diamond with many facets showing many faces, or just seeing the diamond as a whole.

Religion is just the way people see Divinity. Look at Divinity, and find out what It looks like to you.

Now on a personal note this is why I practice a polytheistic religion:
god (putting it in a monotheistic since) is omnipresent. He’s everywhere, doing everything.
If god created man in his image, that means the mental structure in theory is the same. If i were to do everything, help everyone out, punish everyone that needs to be punished, and single-handley take care of everything, I just might explode.

Where, taking god, and (not trying to be morbid here, just the best way to put it) cut him to little pieces, each piece representing a different aspect, and given a different job, it just makes more since. As I see it, if I’m worth to be in Divinity’s presence, then I must prove it my way.

This post was written with the help of Mountain Dew Revolution, Bang Camero, and Camel Turkish Royale cigeretts.
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