(no subject)

Mar 18, 2012 01:08

Because I keep hearing peeps on TV and various other places gush about The Hunger Games, I be sorry me peeps but I must rant!

Well peeps who may be gushing over The Hunger Games... lemme just say this, I would at least consider seeing the flick or reading the books with a maybe a third of the way open mind if the author could at least acknowledge the similarities between THG and BR. And before anybody says, "But she said she never heard of it before she wrote the books!!!!!!" That is irrelevant because even if she didn't back then, she sure as hell probably has by now!

And another thing I do not need pointed out to me is how much BR be like Stephen King's two stories the Running Man and The Long Walk... ya wanna know why I don't need these two things pointed out? Cause the dude who wrote BR almost giddy like said that those two stories were some of the places he got the inspiration for it. So, no I will not be joining the *gasp* "Look how great and awesome and ground breaking the Hunger Games is!!!" crowd! Sorry!

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