Aug 22, 2007 11:51
It wasn't a root canal I got done today...
Today they just opened up the tooth and looked at it...
It's kaput, deader than a doornail, nothing left what-so-ever, just hanging on.. barely. So.. they put these medication spikes up in the tooth and gums to kill the bateria crap that's in the tooth adn I've got to wait for a phone call from another dentist. This one's in the city and he's the one that'll do the root canal.
My old dentist does root canals... but... I don't think I want to go back to him. I actually liked this new dentist and my old dentist is getting to retirement age.
At my old dentist.. I felt the needles a lot. Here I hardly felt it at all.. just a couple tiny pinches as opposed to the "Oh my GOD what the hell did you just put in my mouth" pinch that felt like he was trying to drive a metal spike into my gums.
So... I think I'm going to switch dentists. I think I need to get myself away from where I've been comfortable and get to where I'm "on my own" so to speak. It's time for me to grow up and start taking the responsiblity on myself. So.. yeah... Go me.
Plus.. the guy who does root canals is in the city.... what better way to treat myself afterwards then to go SHOPPING. For books and the like... yes.. I see this as a good thing.