Dec 28, 2005 16:32
I found this file while I was going through all the stories I have kept on my computer....I really wish I could get some ideas on where I could start a series or add on to this...btu it's eluded me for a while.
Any suggestions would help.
This symbol is my family's crest. My family's duty. Its legacy. Its curse.
We are a family of Temporal Mechanics. You might ask yourself what a temporal mechanic is, and struggle to find an answer, but you never will. All traces of our exsistance are wiped clean of the world so no one will find out there's an entire family who has been playing with time. We have been in every time and every place. We have been doctors, lawyers, leaders of nations and of men. We have been hobos, drifters, buisnessmesn, pheasants and kings. We have seen pasts, presents and futures and we have seen deaths far too numerous to count.
Our mission is simple, mantain the status quo in the timeline and train the new generation if temporal mechanics. The only way to join is to either marry into the family, or be born into it. I am one of the latter. My mother is as close to a direct decendant of our ancestor who started this whole thing, my several times great grandfather. And so, I'm expected to continue on and lead the next generation. My father was a wealthy nobleman from the mideaval times, and he has imparted his nobility to me, or at least he believes he has.
I am a woman coming into my own. I've seen the future of my family, we have none past keeping the timeline stable.
This is what I hope to change, by striking out on my own and altering the past so that my family has a future, we can no longer go stealing people from history to marry, traces are being found. Nephertiti, my grandmother, just heard that her tomb had been found. That was something that was never meant to be found, but it has been. Something must be done, and I'm the one who's going to do it.
My name, Ayanna Wylde. I was born cursed to become a temporal mechanic.
And that's ideas?