I have the wonderful luxury of this week off [( yay!! )] and the curse of having nothing to do.... well actually i have plenty to do, i just don't feel like doing it.... i deleted my MS/DJ gallery with the intent of starting over from scratch months ago, and now i actually have time to get those pics and screen caps.... then i have to catch up on several weeks of neglected GW visits [( shudder )] and to wrap it all off, if i don't watch my friend's dvds sometime this week, he's gonna strangle me... i've had them for over two weeks w/o the time to watch them.... i was gonna watch them today.... i had set up my dvd player and everything.... then i saw SciFi was having a Firefly marathon and so couldn't resist.... and then there was the promise of new art, or rather uploading the art i have done.....
in the ways of art:
- Student/Teacher Relations [( finished.... needs to be uploaded )]
- Teal'c's Hair, a J/D Slash Comic [( need to scan and photoshop )]
- Xavier [( ditto )]
- Hatri and Hatari, the Dragon Twins [( one drawn, one to go )]
comissions/gifts/trades always open.... looking for new inspiration, ideas and suggestions readily welcomed....
so, um, yea.... what else?? oh! if you haven't checked out some of my links, go take a look... see the one labeled IMVU? click it. tis a great new chat thing, completely free, and 3D.... tis the virtual reality of IMing... you create a totally 3D avitar that interacts with other avitars in a 3D environment... no text boxes, just type.... speech comes in forms of comic bubbles... plus you can do actions like yawning, stretching, dancing, and interact with the other avitar in ways suck as hugging, kissing [( yes kissing )], and attacking them..... the attacking part in really funny.... just imagine, you're in the middle of a conversation and all of a sudden one avitar uppercuts the other..... oh and you can take pictures... you can do candids or poses, whatever you prefer..... i have one where my friend decided to kiss me, and his avitar dipped mine.... the flash went off mid dip.... and we're on a rooftop so it looks really romantic, or vampuric, depending on your perspective.....
so yea.... that's it for now..... please check it out