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andreecynthia February 25 2011, 04:12:10 UTC


andreecynthia February 25 2011, 04:20:00 UTC
“WAIT, who’s your section leader?!” Chinen practically ordered Ryutaro to repeat his sentence.

“Daiki Arioka… Is that bad?” Ryutaro answered meekly.

Chinen immediately turned away, arms crossed angrily in front of his chest. “NO! Of course not!”

Chinen you're not good at hiding anything ARE YOU?! *falls over*

Ryutaro frowned. There’s seriously something going wrong here…

*nods with him* Ryuuchan it's time to investigate!

Kei frowned. “I’m excited every day I get to spend with you, Kota,”

INOOBU MOMENT!!!!! ~~~~ <3333

and Hikaru being...jealous? hmm? *smiles*

It’s been years… but you’re still in a relationship with him. When will you ever realize my true feelings for you…?

O_O awwww Hikachan!!!! *hugs*

heheeh~ OkaTaro <3333 but ouch! a little mean Keito, *pats Ryosuke* daijobou, ne? but Ryosuke you need to be nicer too! *biased*

Suddenly, his skin prickled peculiarly as he felt the unfamiliar, aberrant sensation that told him, he was being watched.


Who are you…? Ryosuke ( ... )


ayang902 February 28 2011, 00:54:43 UTC
lol NOPE! chinen's too adorable for that! xDD *imagines pouty chii*
yush! ryutaro needs to investigate.. in order to discover their secret! O.O
aww hahhaa love inoobu!! but *nods* poor hikaru.. i bet he really wants a hug from *cough* THAT person.. ^^
lol yesshhh okataro is so adorables! X3 hehe i made them all mean to each other.. except yuto HAHAAHA xDD
*nods* its thinking time! lol ^^


andreecynthia February 28 2011, 03:26:09 UTC
*imagines Chii with you* dawwwwww! I wanna hug him now!

hai! it's time for Mr.Hey!Say!Words to investigate xD

he totally does, poor Hika

EXCEPT Yuto *happy* gomen...hehe I can never see Yuto be mean *loves*

yush! thinking time~!


ayang902 February 28 2011, 03:53:30 UTC
awwww xDDD if you do, i wanna seee!!! ^^
lol! that show is so funny! X3
*nods* ><
hahahaa of course not! ^^ well, cept for in your fic! haaha XD
hehee its the hardest time there is! xDD


andreecynthia March 1 2011, 00:29:23 UTC
imagine little Chii crossing his arms around his chest and pouting like a child (can imagine 2007 Chii doing that *cough* hey! say! 7 making *cough*)

it is! :3

oh yeah in mine...whooops xD

oh yeah! it is~! *gets milk* will need this xD


ayang902 March 1 2011, 21:09:41 UTC
awwwww thats so cute!!! X3 gahhh chibi chii was too adorable for words!! >w<
hehe dont forget you own! (lol just kidding ^^)
milk? hahaa it helps you think then? XD


andreecynthia March 1 2011, 23:49:09 UTC
>w< soooo cute~!!!!
xDDD I'm working on it somehow~! xD
yes! milk helps! (also makes me grow taller...(hopefully) LOL)


ayang902 March 5 2011, 02:05:47 UTC
yushh! in like the original Hey! Say! pv making, i just wanted to hug him every time he came on screen!! X3
ganbatte ne~ ^^ i cant wait to read more! :3
awesome! haha *grabs milk* its think think time... xDD (and growing taller time! >w< lol)


andreecynthia March 5 2011, 04:10:39 UTC
i know~!!!! xD


*grabs more* YOSH~!!!! (and GROWING TIIIMME~!!!)


ayang902 March 5 2011, 04:16:20 UTC
gahh cuteness!! X3
hahaa growing time makes me think that chinen is about to like hit a growth spurt or something.. o.O that would be so.. strange... xDD *shot


andreecynthia March 5 2011, 04:21:26 UTC
O.o? like Ryuuchan?

OMG...wait...was...YUTO SHORTER THAN DAIKI IN 2007?!


ayang902 March 5 2011, 04:28:35 UTC
haha yeah! like ryuu, but its just weird to think of chinen as tall... heh im being so mean.. ><
uhhh i think so, actually! yuto got really tall really fast, but later!! xDD he was so mini-sized cuteness when he was little!! X3


andreecynthia March 5 2011, 04:33:40 UTC
I'm fine with Chii xD his size is normal for me and I love it :D

OMG...and Yuto totally did! he's like what, almost to Hikaru's and Takaki's height? isn't Yabu the tallest one?
he was so small though! Ryuu was too!


ayang902 March 5 2011, 04:58:28 UTC
hahaa i meant that if chinen suddenly grew as tall as like yuto.. i think i would be kinda very surprised. xDD

i kno!! x3 they were so adorable when they were small!! XD
gahh this is what i found from i think popolo april 2010.. (so its prob wrong by now..) but:

yabu: 177 - 53 kg
hikaru: 173 -53 kg
inoo: 176 - 54 kg
Takaki: 174 -62kg
Daiki: 164 -50 kg
Keito: 175 - 62 kg
Ryutaro: 168 - 56kg
Chinen: 156 -44kg
Yuto: 178 (more than yabu now) -53 kg
Yamada: 163.5 -54 kg


andreecynthia March 6 2011, 01:25:03 UTC
xDDD okay me too xDDDD *shot*

O_O damn... that's all I can say xD


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