Mar 04, 2007 21:56
as aleisha said: Lukeの大ファンになったよ!!!!「かわいい」ってすぐドキドキしちゃうの~~~
good news! i've been nominated for the university medal, the highest honour at UMD!! whether or not they will actually give it to me or not, who knows but, hey! sweet! now i have paperwork and coordination to do.
had an AMAZING time at LH the other day (and visiting today, hehe) and i will really, really miss everyone... ;_; thank you to becky and greg for pizza and smirnoff and thanks to sorin for awkwardly awesome coversations and to katy for being amazing and stage-director-y and....well, my roomie-chan <3 thanks to aleisha for being the cutest chocolate delight midnight sun with nekomimi EVAR!! and thanks to yuu for taking me to lunch today! thanks to sara for hanging out despite being not-feeling-well-ish! goodluck on go-kyuu!!
oh LH.
but now, time for battlestar and then some sleep. tomorrow is terp payment plan visit and then visa pickup, followed by...FONDUE <3