I'm here sitting in my now cleaned bedroom with the fan on--but still sweating--and full of Hamburg steak...just chilling. It's July 1st here already over on this side of the world. And DANG! I'm going to be done with my stay here in Japan soon. SHEESH, that went by real quick didn't it? Well, sometimes it did and sometimes it felt sooooo long.
Well, I had a lovely dinner/anime tonight :-) you know why???
Cuz I just had a great awesome time with this hottie here:
That's right baby, he's back!!!! Back into my life again. :-) Teehee!!! The reason why he's suddenly back into my life is that I just finished downloading the whole series in HD!!!! IN HD BABY YEA!!!!! OMG, everything is so crystal clear and perfect!!! The Gundam Wing DVD HD remastered edition that just came out last year is a gift from god for all Gundam Wing fans, but seriously I am not going to spend all that cash and the yens to get them. away I go!! From this lovely torrent, I even got some extra stuff like the ODD and EVEN numbers and the whole Endless Waltz series edition. Ahhhh...thank you Jesus, thank you so much for this lovely lovely gift.
If god was even nicer, he'd present me with a real human man that looks like Heero! Ahh!! Why doesn't my boyfriend look like Heero Yuy? LOL. (don't tell Brian i wrote that)
I've been going to the lovely Nico Nico Douga site non-stop these days just diggin up old anime material. Why aren't any of the animes that are on right now in this damn country like the anime that were on during the late 90's???? What happened to our Gundam Wing? What happened to our Utena? Our sailormoon? I want the golden 90's to come back to the anime world now. They should seriously air Gundam Wing again, or even better, make a whole new series with the same characters! Why not? I mean, so many places are just making re-makes of older anime series anyway? Maybe a series where all the pilots are older? OMGGGGGGGGG how that would be hott!!!! Heero Yuy 26 years old or something??? Hey, what about Duo man?? What would he look like when he's older? I'll tell you the answer, real masturbation material, that's what he'll be! (ahem!)
Anyway, going back to the old Nico Nico...I found some great Gundam Wing drama cassette stuff!!! OMG!!! Can you believe it? Drama cassette?? Not even Drama CD!!! But the seiyuus are all so hilarious!!! I just cannot stop listening to it. LOVE NICO NICO.