New Who - S04 Ep.11

Jun 22, 2008 11:19

This would be the review for 'Turn left' then :D
Enjoy and share your opinions - I'm curious as always ;)

Spoilers and a little picspam for 'Turn left' of course.

First of all: Poor Donna!

I liked the beginning of the episode a lot. The Doctor and Donna together again...walking over the strange market, tasting this crazy looking drink (which I never would have done by the way O_O), laughing together. I loved it! I watched the episode together with my best friend as usual and we were both on the phone, as usual *lol* First thing I thought was 'Oh, they're on a chinese-looking-planet or something. Definitely not earth.' And - some minutes later I turned out to be right *lol* Funny moment for me, as I am usually all bad in speculations with Dr Who ;)

Then the fortune-teller. Oh, how it was obvious, that she couldn't be a nice guy *bg* Anyway. Funny thing. And then the noise for the first time. Oh I saw bad things coming up. When the noise-making-thing first entered the room and you see everything from its perspective, it first reminded me of 'New Earth" and how those spider-things see the world. And as soon as the baddie first talks about "Your live could have gone one way or the other." I for the first time thought of "Oh hey...that sounds like turn left or turn right" *lol*
Then the discussion with Donna and her mother...turn left...turn right. I was like 'Donna! Turn left!" *rofl* But finally...she changed her dicision and turned right . OMG I was like "She's definitely going to forget everything now! OMG she never meets the doctor then!" But also "Hey, to fix it, all she's got to do is re-decide and 'Turn left' again *lol*

And the woman. She does too much touching, if you ask me. It gave me the shivers to see her fingers stroking and stroking and stroking Donnas palm over and over and over...

Well and then. The monster. It looked a bit too plastic for me, but still, it was creepy, when it stretched out its arm...hand...whatever it was *lol* And my friend was like "OMG! It's one of those Ragnoss-things, I know it!" And I was like "OMG, poor Donna!"

And then. Donna turned right. And everything changed. I LOVE the reviews for the past episodes! Really, I do! Seeing everything again. But sadly everything turned worse instead of better...Bit quick everything. Like "The Doctor died.", "Martha died."....just like that *lol* See, this is, why we need the doctor XD



Well that summs it up. Everything getting worse, the Doctor dead, London wiped out, Donna on the run to get everything fixed.
So her grandpa was always this clever..."Rhinos could be aliens!" *rofl* I LOVE him ^_____^

I really liked the episode, though it went by pretty fast. I missed the Doctor of course. And there was a lot too much Rose. I don't like Rose. But still, every two minutes I was like "Oh, I recognize that!" - which made me feel like a pretty big fan and also a clever person *rofl* and that was something I really liked about this weeks ep :D

David Tennant:

T_T Definitely not enough of him this episode. Definitely.
Anyway. Looking forward to see more of him next week :D And all the other cast coming up next time! I'm sure, it's going to be brilliant!

LOVE and HATE - Ayamis Scene Choice


Because I hate Rose.
I'm sorry. I do.


Two scenes this time...


Combat dehydration FTW        You have to love that scene :D

See you next week. Once again...

Edit: So, I just found out, that indeed the fortuneteller is played by the same actress as Chantho in 'Utopia':
Chipo Chung 

doctor who: episode review

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