On This day even Sephiroth cried for the SOLIDERS

Sep 11, 2008 23:31

Urk...i'm alive...
Man did anyone ever catch that College sucks?
Cause it REALLY does!

Oh Oh and my Scanner is STILL broken. I need the softwear again or something....oh man.

Anyway, besides being swamped with art projects, i was able to do some fan work in my free time. So here comes custom cloud strife thanks to my digital camera(at least you don't break):

haha, i wonder why he has Sephs Masamune?

anyway, I'm being commissioned to do some wicked FF Phoenix Wright Sprites for flash animators. SO It WILL be awesome! I'm guessing i might be done in a week since it takes a LONG time to make sprites. Have you seen all those sheet posses? come on man!

Oh and as a closing note i want to complain to the word that i have listened to the same song on my iToch for the past 4 hours.....
why? i have no idea, i was too busy trying to make since of pointillism in the early 19 century and it's connection to mechanics and war...


cloud strife pic

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