Mar 11, 2008 23:39
I got my books today! I feel like such a nerd cause I squealed and zipped around the house for a bit when I saw the box on the living room table. ^-^ They are of the uber pretty and shiny! *-* (not that anyone knew I was expecting them...>.>)
We had a ton of snow over the weekend. I just went back to work today after 4 days off. (Only two were because of the blizzard though. ^-^) I took some pictures and will probably have them up sometime. >.>;
My grandma received the information and everything for Aries and will proabably be paying Volks USA a visit within the next couple of weeks! (HOMFG, win!)
I now has a Zune. He is brown... but I still likes him very much. XD (Yes, he/it does have a name.)
I've been taking some random pictures of my dollies and I have also been sketching lately. The dolly photos will probably go up here when I post my snow pics... and the sketches will be up on my DA gallery.
I feel accomplished and happy. I go play SSBB now. Bai!