Jan 30, 2009 11:37
Hey anyone, (considering I mostlikely dont have enough people watching/ looking at this to say 'everyone')
Update Status-
Some somewhat unfortunate news, Trail of Leaves is going to be a little bit tweaked and reconditioned before I'm releasing more chapters. This is unfortunate because I know that there are people who have already read what is currently on FF.net and have liked the story or faved/ alerted. (Thank you verry much by the way ^^) But, I have reached the fourth chapter where we are taking off from the 'foundation' chapters, and I've realized that there is more that I would have liked to add, and some aspects that I would like to change. So that I will do, because I think it will improve on the story as well as be more likable to readers. Plus, I will be much more pleased with writing it.
And I'll have you know, I stayed up till near 3AM last night writing/ typing/ reserching. Instead of studying for a two hour mid-term I had this morning at 9, of which I was completly freaked out for. But, I got up at 6, wound up reserching and reconstructing until 7:47 and finally speed-studied until 8:41, when I left. Turns out, that I was ok. At least I think I did ok. I knew what to do for the problems....then again, I tend to think that with my math tests, and then they are returned to me in a week with numbers that would be rather tragic if I only lived to match the grade. ;'[
At anyrate, if I had any sort of luck in my bloodsteam, then this is how the currently hidden and variablistic aspects of today would sum up. I passed my math mid-term, I will continue to work on ToL and be able to restore the revised version onto FF tonight, even after going to work (...yaaaay...*sighs*). Then I will proceed to trudge through the fourth chapter tonight, until the wee wee WEE hours of the morning, concidering its Friday, and if I wanted I could wake up at 1PM tomorrow; even though I wont because I can never sleep for more than 6 sometimes 7 hours. *deep breath*
So, I will do my best, please try to understand that this is my first chaptorial (I think I just made that one up there) story, so I want to make it a good one, or as good as I can manage with my limited oxygen-brain supply.
For now though, I am off...to get damn passport photos....>/